Mindfulness coaching.


AGES 18+

Worries about the future are rooted in our experiences of the past - both of which steal us from the present.

Through meditation, we can develop the ability to truly see, feel, and engage with the present moment in a manner that is free from fear and negativity. We can discover the power and possibility that is intertwined in every moment and choose healing, helpful, responses that are aligned with our true intentions in order to live a more transformative life.

Maybe you’re experiencing:

  • Feelings of anxiety

  • Avoidant behaviors

  • Feelings of being stuck in unhelpful thoughts

  • Having or displaying frequent reactive responses to stress such as yelling, acting or saying hurtful things you don’t mean, and catastrophizing

Mindfulness coaching will guide you through the journey of becoming present to yourself.

  • At The Collective Therapy & Wellness, meditation is a tool we use to practice mindfulness. Meditation can be practiced in a multitude of ways throughout your daily-life - whether you are sitting in stillness - or out in the world. Through our coaching program, you will learn and practice effective methods of seamlessly fitting meditation into your daily living in order to achieve mindfulness.

    Our Mindfulness Coach, Michael O’Connell, will help you overcome common obstacles and sticking points while also transmitting teachings from eastern spirituality, western philosophy, and modern mindfulness science. Having a mentor through this process gives you the opportunity to ask questions, reflect on your experience, and develop self-awareness in a way that is tailored to your unique receptivity and learning process.

    While the curriculum of the program remains the same for everyone, the focus and concentration of each session is created through open dialogue based on emerging themes most prevalent to you. Adjustments are made for physical limitations and everything in the program is adaptable to any person’s need or ability in order to allow for the utmost benefit from your participation in the program regardless of your experience with the content. The ultimate goal of mindfulness coaching is to integrate your experiences and insights practiced throughout the program into your everyday life.

Mindfulness coaching tailored to your unique experience and circumstances

  • An individual session can focus on any area of meditation and mindfulness that you want to work on. Whether you are looking to have a conversation about a certain teaching, or would like to go on a guided meditation, the choice is yours and each session is tailored to what you are bringing to the table.

  • Through a thorough exploration of The Four Foundations of Mindfulness, you will learn how to work through obstacles and difficulties that come up during your meditation practice. You will be able to integrate this new awareness and skillset into times of stillness and challenge in everyday life.

    The Four Foundations of Mindfulness include:

    — Mindfulness of body

    — Mindfulness of feelings

    — Mindfulness of thought

    — Mindfulness of phenomena

  • Our deep dive meditation mentorship is for those who want to excel at their practice and experience transformation in everyday life. Whether you are new, or an experienced meditator, this program will take you deep into the teachings and practice of meditation while tailoring each practice to your unique circumstance and experience.

    Your mentor will work with you to create a practice that will stick with you long after the program comes to an end.

    As part of the curriculum, you will learn different meditation techniques to address topics such as, concentration, loving-kindness, insight, relaxation, and joy.

    Through the practice, you will learn to trust and rely on your intuition to skillfully navigate difficult situations in life and relationships.

  • All classes will be conducted virtually via Zoom. Pre-registration is required.

    Rise & Shine: 30-Minutes To a More Mindful Life

    When: Every Monday & Wednesday @ 6am (EST)

    Cost: Free for all TCTW clients / $15-drop in

    Community Mindfulness Circles

    When: Occurring on the 1ST Tuesday of Every Month @ 7:15pm (EST)

    Cost: Pay What You Can

    Check out our Events Page to pre-register and for more information about our available offerings!

Meditation can help you:

  • Heal from negative thoughts

  • Decrease stress and anxiety

  • Achieve positivity and renewed energy

  • Help you respond to challenges from a place of calm

  • Increase creativity and inner wisdom

Discover your inner power.


  • Mindfulness is a quality of perception that is developed through the practice of meditation. For instance you can say, “The more I practice meditation, the more mindful I become.”

    Mindfulness is a way of being in the world, while meditation is a means to achieving mindfulness. In turn, mindfulness offers users access to self-healing, joyfulness, and compassion by experiencing reality in its natural state beyond the illusions, stories, and unhelpful thoughts we’ve acquired from past conditioning.

  • Mindfulness practice is a transformative journey that contains many layers of self-development, insight, and integration. Our mindfulness coach, Michael O’Connell, helps not only as a mentor, but as a companion along the journey inward, as he too is in the practice of mindfulness.

    Michael helps create accountability and will discuss the nuances of experience that you are specifically having on your path. These intimate conversations are live responses to your most urgent questions, curiosities, and sticking points.

    Through mindfulness coaching, a special transmission of energy can take place in the exchange of meditation, conversation, and relationship.

  • The mindfulness coaching program at The Collective is a perfect place to begin your journey.

    We start out with simple fundamental practices to help you create ease in your internal world through concentration and stillness.

    Your mentor can meet you exactly where you are in your process and work at a pace that aligns with you.

  • While sitting meditation is a means to cultivating mindfulness, there are many other ways we can practice. This includes, walking, laying down, doing chores, eating, and listening.

    Through the practice of meditation we will also look closely at the different physical sensations we experience and start to create new relationships with these phenomena while appreciating limitations.

    The beautiful part about mindfulness is there is no experience that we cannot use as part of the practice.

  • Absolutely. Mindfulness practice contains many layers, and together, we can continue growing in the practice.

    Through mindfulness coaching, we create a container with the intention to go deeper into the practice of self-awareness and insight. We create this container together and use our relationship for accountability, self-study, and exploration.

    No matter where you are on your path, this program is meant to help you achieve your next stage of enlightenment.

  • There are three levels of mindfulness coaching:

    Meditation for Transformation: 10 sessions: Inquire Within for Pricing

    Foundations in Mindfulness: 4 sessions: $490

    Individual Sessions: $135

    Individual sessions for all packages are 60 minutes.

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    In an effort to widen accessibility to quality wellness programming, a portion of each full rate program fee goes toward funding services on a sliding scale basis for those who do not have the financial ability to pay full out-of-pocket costs.

    To that end, by being a client of The Collective Therapy & Wellness, your healing helps heal someone else.

    Please inquire within for sliding scale availability.

    *Proof of household income is required for all sliding scale clients.


Common questions about mindfulness & meditation